The purpose of General Library Policies is to:
provide a way to ensure all members of the public know what they can expect from the Library and that they are treated equitably;
provide a mechanism for the Board of Library Trustees, managers, and staff members to translate the Library’s service priorities into actions;
serve as the primary tool for ensuring all staff members have the information they need to do their jobs effectively;
define current Library practices; and
ensure the Library is in compliance with all local, state, and federal regulations.
The purpose of Board Bylaws is to guide and govern the Deer Creek District Library Board of Trustees. Library board members serve as representatives for the interests and needs of the community regarding the services provided by the library. They work with the Library Administration to create a sustainable and vibrant organization for the community.
The purpose of the Library Facilities Policies is to ensure the Deer Creek District Library has a pleasant and productive environment for study, research, and recreational purposes. All patrons shall have a fair and equitable opportunity to enjoy the Library’s services, materials, and facilities. The Library is responsible for establishing rules of conduct to protect the rights and safety of Library patrons, volunteers, and staff and for preserving and protecting the Library materials, equipment, facility, and grounds.
The purpose of Circulation Policies is to make the resources of the Deer Creek District Library readily available to all users. In addition, this policy informs users of the requirements which need to be met to receive a Deer Creek District Library card as well as details the expectations for the users prior to, during, and after borrowing items.
The Deer Creek District Library is committed to supporting the educational, informational, and recreational needs of all ages in the community by providing quality materials.
The Deer Creek District Library provides access to technology including but not limited to public internet computers, wifi, printers, copying, and faxing. This policy applies to the use of all the Library’s technology whether on privately-owned or Library-provided devices. Libraries are a traditional forum for the open exchange of information. Providing access to information available on the Internet does not constitute an endorsement of the content by the Library. Deer Creek District Library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility arising from access to or use of information obtained through the Internet.
The purpose of Financial Policies is to direct the current and future spending of the Library. The Deer Creek District Library has a Board-approved written budget. This budget is developed annually by the Library Director. Each year, the Board determines if the Library’s revenue is adequate to meet the needs of the community. If the revenues are not adequate to meet the needs of the community, the Board may create a plan to increase the library’s revenue.
The purpose of Personnel Policies is to provide information about working conditions and employment at the Deer Creek District Library. Library employees are responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with all provisions.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Deer Creek District Library is to grow our community through inspiration and connect our community through experiences. Inspiring our community requires a commitment to supporting the educational, informational, and recreational needs of all ages in the community with quality materials. Supporting connection through experiences promotes a commitment to library services, programming, and technology for the community.